Specializing in
Criminal Matters
Civil Cases with
Criminal Consequences

At Katalyst Lawyers, we understand the complexities and challenges of navigating the criminal justice system. Our dedicated team specializes in providing comprehensive legal support in various criminal matters or any civil matter with a criminal punishment set by law. We are committed to upholding your rights and delivering a personalized defense tailored to your unique situation.

Personalized Defense Strategy Development

Crafting a defense strategy that is tailored to the specifics of your case, ensuring that your side of the story is heard and represented with the utmost diligence.

Comprehensive Case Assessment and Management

Conducting thorough assessments of your case to manage it effectively, ensuring that every detail is meticulously examined for a robust defense.

Thai Police
Thai Police
Thai Police

Support During Investigation

Accompanying injured persons and witnesses at the investigation stage by police and public prosecutors, providing support and ensuring fair treatment.

Accompanying Potential Accused

Assisting individuals who may be accused of a crime, ensuring they are adequately represented when appearing before the police.

Thai Police
Thai Police
Thai Police

Preliminary Hearing Defense

Representing the potentially accused in preliminary hearings, advocating for your rights from the outset of the legal process.

Post-Bail Release Proceedings

Facilitating proceedings for post-bail release, helping to secure your freedom during the legal process.

Thai Police
Thai Police
Thai Police

Travel Permission During Trial

Assisting in obtaining necessary permissions for traveling overseas during the trial period, ensuring your life can proceed with minimal disruption.

Representation in Court Proceedings

Offering steadfast representation in court, standing by your side at every stage of the trial.

Thai Police
Thai Police
Thai Police

Appeals and Final Appeals

Handling both appeals and final appeals, ensuring that every opportunity for a favorable outcome is pursued.

Requesting Suspended Sentences

Advocating for suspended sentences where applicable, aiming for verdicts that align with justice and fairness.

Thai Police
Thai Police
Thai Police

Handling Business-Related Criminal Penalties

Providing legal assistance for business matters that involve criminal penalties, protecting both your personal and professional interests.