legal execution
in thailand

Legal execution is an essential phase that follows a court's judgment and often involves various steps to enforce the verdict effectively. Katalyst Lawyers offers its expertise to help guide you through this multifaceted process.
Here's a brief look into the key areas we focus on:

Strategy for Asset Searching

Understanding the financial landscape of a defendant or a debtor is critical for successful legal execution. Asset searching is a crucial first step, and having a well-thought-out strategy can be indispensable. We aim to provide a meticulous approach to asset searching, helping you get a comprehensive picture that facilitates effective legal execution.

Seize or Attachment

Once assets are identified, the next step often involves seizing or attaching these assets as per the legal provisions. It's an important step that requires close attention to legal formalities. Understanding when to opt for seizure versus attachment can be a critical decision.

Thai Police
Thai Police
Thai Police

Auction Proceedings

The auctioning of assets is usually the final stage in the legal execution process. This phase involves several procedural requirements and guidelines that must be adhered to. From the initial stages of setting the auction to the final bid, every step needs meticulous planning and execution.